This page last changed on Dec 18, 2007 by aaime.

Password is the only subsection of Server, see the section on Setting your Password for more information.

The Contact Information is used in the Capabilities document ofthe WMS server, and shows up in the contact link of the web admin tool. We recommend filling this out with your contact information, so people can get in touch with you if they need more information. It is very self-explanatory, so we will not bother explaining every field. The rest of the options beg a little more explanations however:

Option Name Description
Maximum Features Used to set the maximum number of features returned to a client. This can lead to incomplete WFS responses, not returning all the features, but for extremely large tables it can be nice to return something when a client accidentally makes a request that would send gigabytes of data to them. We set the initial value extremely high, since users are more likely to be upset if we are arbitrarily cutting off their data.
Verbose Controls whether the returned XML contains formatting to make it more human readable. It includes nice white space indents and newlines, but we only recommend using it for testing purposes. The reason is it will increase the amount of data (and thus bandwidth used) returned by GeoServer substantially, and most consumers of GeoServer will be computers who just throw out the extra whitespace.
Verbose Exceptions This is one of the most useful configuration options. It is essential for reporting bugs that you may encounter with GeoServer. Normally GeoServer just returns the error message. With Verbose Exceptions the server will return a full set of information for programmers to figure out the problem. For more information on reporting bugs in GeoServer see the 1 Reporting Issues page.
Number of Decimals Decimals sets how many decimals past the zero GeoServer should return. This can be most useful as sometimes approximations will lead to most all values returned with.999999999998 and .000000000001 for example. Returning this level of detail is likely not useful to the client, and is likely not even significant in the dataset (though it can be), but it greatly increases the amount of bandwidth needed if every value is 10 times as long (1.0 vs .99999999998).
Proxy base url The base url of the eventual reverse proxy used to shield GeoServer from the internet
Character Set Specifies the character encoding that will be used in the XML returned by GeoServer. The default is UTF-8, which we recommend for most users. But if you are returning in a language that requires a different character set, then this option should be set. Please report if there are any problems, as we very much believe in the importance of the internationalization of GeoServer, but lack the ability and time to really test it. Note that the Character Set must be listed in the IANACharset Registry, and additionally must have a Java implementation available. Most versions of Java support a good number of Character Sets, and additional jars can likely be added if your character set is not present.
Logging Level (Logging Profile in GeoServer 1.6) Level sets the amount of information that GeoServer logs. The list goes from the least amount of logging (OFF) at the top to the most (ALL). Anything finer than INFO starts to get into debugging information. We recommend either INFO or FINE. Note that in the binary installations the logging messages just go to the console. We are working on improving this to make it easier to save to files. We are also investigating loggers that are more focused on the type of information that GeoServer administrators are more interested in, like access information, who is making requests and what they are requesting.
Starting with GeoServer 1.6.0-beta2, logging is now handled through "Logging Profiles". An example of a logging profile is "GEOSERVER_DEVELOPER_LOGGING". This profile provides logging of interest to someone debugging or working with the actual GeoServer code (without showing many log messages for GeoTools). You can choose a logging profile in this pull-down, starting with GeoServer 1.6.0-beta2. We also more information about customizing logging profiles here
Log to File (GeoServer 1.5.x) Toggles logging to disk on and off
Suppress StdOut Logging (GeoServer 1.6.x) Toggles whether GeoServer should log to the console, as well as to the logfile loctaion specified below. If you are running GeoServer in a large J2EE container, you might not want your container-wide logs filled with GeoServer information. Checking this box will suppress GeoServer's StdOut logging to the best of its ability (some extremely fatal exceptions might still fall through to the console log)
Log Location Sets the location on disk where the logs should write to. This only takes effect if Log to File is set. The log file may be specied as an absolute path (for example C:\geoserver\geoserver.log) or a relative path (for example geoserver.log). Relative paths are appended to the geoserver data directory. The user running geoserver must have the appropriate write and create permissions on the file. This is a new feature, please give us feedback on it.
JAI mem capacity The percentage of heap that will be used to store the JAI tile cache for faster raster data rendering. A number between 0 and 1 exclusive
JAI mem threshold The percentage of the tile cache at which JAI should start looking for tiles to evict. A number between 0 and 1
JAI tile threads The number of threads to be used to load tiles from tiled data sets
JAI tile priority The priority of the above threads
JAI Image I/O caching Whether raw tiles read from the disk should be cached or not
JAI JPEG native acceleration Whether to enable the JPEG native code, which may provide speedups, but sometimes also causes issues in image generation
JAI PNG native acceleration Same as above, for PNG format
Tile cache The tile cache to be used for KML superoverlays, for more information see the super overlays tutorial

After completing this information before to hit 'Submit'. Then you may go about the normal save procedure, trying out the changes with 'Apply', and making them persistent with 'Save' if you are happy with them.

Hi Geoserver Users,

I expierement with the Character Set and have a problem:
with ISO-8859-1 or most other sets a wfs-xml returns:

But a Browser can't interpret it - it should be:  "Höhe" for the word "Höhe".

There is a Difference of 65280 , what correpondences to 1111 1111 0000 0000 and this stands for signed integer -256.

Ok, so far.... what kind of code is the the result  "H￶he". How to force the GeoServer that the normal ISO-8859-1 is returned?

Any serious suggestion would please me.

Bye KS from Germany 

Posted by at Feb 07, 2006 12:57

Hi Geoserver Users,

I expierement with the Character Set and have a problem:
with ISO-8859-1 or most other sets a wfs-xml returns:

But a Browser can't interpret it - it should be:  "Höhe" for the word "Höhe".

There is a Difference of 65280 , what correpondences to 1111 1111 0000 0000 and this stands for signed integer -256.

Ok, so far.... what kind of code is the the result  "H￶he". How to force the GeoServer that the normal ISO-8859-1 is returned?

Any serious suggestion would please me.

Bye KS from Germany 

Posted by at Feb 07, 2006 13:01
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 16, 2008 23:27